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Various steel weight calculation formulas

Updated: 2023-02-21    Visits: 221

Various steel weight calculation formulas

Steel plate weight calculation formula

Formula: 7.85×length (m)×width (m)×thickness (mm)

Example: Steel plate 6m (length) × 1.51m (width) × 9.75mm (thickness)

Calculation: 7.85×6×1.51×9.75=693.43kg


Steel pipe weight calculation formula

Formula: (outer diameter-wall thickness) × wall thickness mm × 0.02466 × length m

Example: Steel pipe 114mm (outer diameter) × 4mm (wall thickness) × 6m (length)

Calculation: (114-4)×4×0.02466×6=65.102kg


Round steel weight calculation formula

Formula: diameter mm×diameter mm×0.00617×length m

Example: Round steel Φ20mm (diameter)×6m (length)

Calculation: 20×20×0.00617×6=14.808kg


Square steel weight calculation formula

Formula: side width (mm) × side width (mm) × length (m) × 0.00785

Example: Square steel 50mm (side width)×6m (length)

Calculation: 50×50×6×0.00785=117.75(kg)


Flat steel weight calculation formula

Formula: side width (mm) × thickness (mm) × length (m) × 0.00785

Example: Flat steel 50mm (side width) × 5.0mm (thickness) × 6m (length)

Calculation: 50×5×6×0.00785=11.7.75(kg)

Hexagonal steel weight calculation formula

Formula: Diameter of opposite side×diameter of opposite side×length (m)×0.00068

Example: Hexagonal steel 50mm (diameter)×6m (length)

Calculation: 50×50×6×0.0068=102(kg)


Rebar weight calculation formula

Formula: diameter mm×diameter mm×0.00617×length m

Example: Rebar Φ20mm (diameter)×12m (length)

Calculation: 20×20×0.00617×12=29.616kg

Weight calculation formula of flat pass

Formula: (side length + side width)×2×thickness×0.00785×length m

Example: Flat pass 100mm×50mm×5mm thick×6m (length)

Calculation: (100+50)×2×5×0.00785×6=70.65kg

Fangtong weight calculation formula

Formula: side width mm×4×thickness×0.00785×length m

Example: Square pass 50mm×5mm thick×6m (length)

Calculation: 50×4×5×0.00785×6=47.1kg

Equilateral angle steel weight calculation formula

Formula: side width mm×thickness×0.015×length m (rough calculation)

Example: Angle steel 50mm×50mm×5 thickness×6m (length)

Calculation: 50×5×0.015×6=22.5kg (the table is 22.62)


Weight calculation formula for unequal angle steel

Formula: (side width + side width) × thickness × 0.0076 × length m (rough calculation)

Example: Angle steel 100mm×80mm×8 thickness×6m (length)

Calculation: (100+80)×8×0.0076×6=65.67kg (table 65.676)

【Other non-ferrous metals】

Brass tube weight calculation formula

Formula: (outer diameter-wall thickness) × thickness × 0.0267 × length m

Example: Brass tube 20mm×1.5mm thick×6m (length)

Calculation: (20-1.5)×1.5×0.0267×6=4.446kg

Weight calculation formula for copper tube

Formula: (outer diameter-wall thickness) × thickness × 0.02796 × length m

Example: Copper tube 20mm×1.5mm thick×6m (length)

Calculation: (20-1.5)×1.5×0.02796×6=4.655kg

Aluminum flower plate weight calculation formula

Formula: length m×width m×thickness mm×2.96

Example: Aluminum flower plate 1m wide×3m long×2.5mm thick

Calculation: 1×3×2.5×2.96=22.2kg

Brass plate: specific gravity 8.5

Red copper plate: specific gravity 8.9

Zinc plate: specific gravity 7.2

Lead plate: specific gravity 11.37

Calculation method: specific gravity × thickness = weight per square


1 meter = 3.281 feet

1 inch = 25.4 mm

1 pound = 0.4536 kg

1 kgf = 9.81 Newtons

1 pound force = 4.45 Newtons

1 MPa = 145.161 lbs/inch

Specific gravity (density) of steel: 7.8g/cm

Stainless steel specific gravity* (density): 7.78g/cm

Specific gravity (density) of aluminum: 2.7g/cm

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Mr. Yan



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